Tractor Trailer and Big Truck Accidents
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Tractor Trailer and Big Truck Accidents
Tractor-trailer truck accidents differ from private passenger vehicle accidents. First, tractor-trailer trucks weigh more than 75 thousand tons. The sheer weight and speed at which the vehicles travel often result in catastrophic injuries and death. Additionally, the drivers of tractor-trailer trucks and the companies under which they operate must abide by State and Federal laws enacted to protect the general public. As such, much more is required of the attorney in handling this type of case due to the complexity of the law and the immediacy with which an attorney must act. Shortly after a tractor-trailer accident, insurance companies dispatch an investigator to the scene to protect their interest. An insurance company investigator will photograph the scene, interview witnesses, and potentially even attempt to sway the opinion of law enforcement personnel investigating the scene. All of this is done to put the injured parties at a disadvantage. Therefore, if you or a family member has been injured or killed in a tractor-trailer truck collision, you should immediately call BKM Injury Lawyer and let our vast years of experience in this area work for you.
Seeking accountability for those injured or killed due to the wrongful conduct of others, particularly in tractor-trailer accidents, fuels our passion here at BKM Injury Lawyer. Our track record represents successful representation throughout the southeastern region with regards to such devastating collisions.